Completed project

Low wages and their unfair allocation still remain the main factors behind the labour mobility in companies, shows research of BCCI.

The chairman of the Chamber, Mr. Simeonov, and Dr. Petkova presented today the accumulated data focused on the current employment in Bulgaria.

The seven leading voluntary causes behind the decision of employed personnel for leaving the respective companies have been identified, the main one being the insufficient renumeration.

Among the other reasons are the unfair allocation of the financial stimulus for the staff, the authoritative managerial behavior, as well as the stress factor and various health issues, among others.   


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Completed project
Low wages and their unfair allocation still remain the main factors behind the labour mobility in companies, shows research of BCCI. Още
Bill for Amendment and Supplementation of the E-Commerce Act
The draft law aims to ensure the implementation of Regulation (EU) 2019/1150 .... Още
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Essentially Greek
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