BCCI continues its work to strengthen social dialogue in Bulgaria

In the beginning of 2020, the STRONG project (Sustainable social policy ThROugh capacity strengtheniNG) funded under the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 was approved. The project is being implemented by BCCI as the leading organization, in partnership with the Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise (NHO) and the Norwegian-Bulgarian Business Group (NBBG). The Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry as the largest employers’ organization in Bulgaria has already successfully implemented the “TRUST” project – “TRansparency for sUStainable social policy” under the Fund for Decent Work and Tripartite Dialogue.

The new project “STRONG” is a natural continuation of BCCI’s efforts to strengthen social dialogue policies and practices in Bulgaria, to improve the tripartite dialogue and consultations at national, regional and local level, to stimulate the bilateral cooperation between Norway and Bulgaria by sharing expertise, experience, knowledge and best practices. In this regard a study visit to Norway of representatives of the Association of the Organisations of Bulgarian Employers is planned in order to exchange good practices. The activities that will be implemented during the first year of the project include research of best practices in tripartite dialogue in the EU and Norway, as well as development of handbook for voluntary dispute resolution – negotiations, mediation, conciliation, arbitration, and solving collective labour disputes. As a final result, an online training platform will be developed with training modules on conflict management, dealing with stress at the workplace, good practices for efficient communication during negotiations, successful tactics in conducting negotiations.

Workshops will also be organized within the project to exchange experience with the Norwegian partner NHO, for which BCCI will additionally inform you on its website and the project’s Facebook page

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